Community Plan

INTRODUCTION – See Full Document – Official Community Plan 2015

This planning document, called an Official Community Plan (OCP) is a policy document that provides guidance and structure for all future planning and development within the Village of Glaslyn. Municipal growth typically is synonymous with the expansion of physical development, such as increased population that can infill existing houses, or have new residential subdivisions, and new economic development enterprises that provide jobs and permanency within a community. This long range planning document is a municipal tool to achieve these future investments and development decisions. To encourage population growth a community must have an identity that is built upon unique attributes, whether that be the community’s aesthetic appearance, recreational amenities, accessibility to prominent features, or convenience of location. The Village of Glaslyn has all these physical attributes that require a comprehensive plan of management.

This comprehensive plan, presented in this document, revolves around the Province of Saskatchewan’s 14 Statements of Provincial Interest which ensures that all planning and development within the Village of Glaslyn occurs within a holistic manner. Planning and development does not occur in isolation and requires a thorough understanding of a variety of factors. In addition to the Statements of Interest, local land use inventory, consultation, and statistical information has been incorporated to provide a current snapshot of the community.

It is difficult to be able to anticipate exactly how the municipality will change into the future, but by preparing for multi-faceted development, the Council and Administration of the Village of Glaslyn will be better prepared to make educated decisions to achieve their vision for the community. This document will provide consistency for developers, landowners, Administration, and Council to make consistent decision-making regarding planning and development. The remainder of this section will outline the authority and mandate of the OCP, to scope to which it applies, the overall vision of the municipality, and general municipal goals to achieve that vision.  See Full Document – Official Community Plan 2015

VILLAGE OF GLASLYN – OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN Table of Contents ……….. 4 List of Exhibits ……….. 7 1.0 INTRODUCTION ………… 8 1.1 Authority and Mandate ………… 9 1.2 Scope ………..10 1.3 Municipal Vision ……….. 10 1.4 Municipal Objectives and Policies ……….. 10 2.0 GUIDING PRINCIPLES ……….. 13 2.1 Balancing Interests, Rules and Flexibility ………… 13 2.2 Sustainability……….. 13 2.3 First Nation and Métis Engagement ……….. 14 2.4 Mutual Respect ……….. 14 2.5 Cooperation ……….. 15 2.6 Statements of Provincial Interest ……….. 15 2.7 Consultation ……….. 15 2.8 Initiative and Enterprise ……….. 16 2.9 Learning and Innovation ……….. 16 3.0 HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY ……….. 17 3.1 Existing Land Uses ……….. 19 3.1 Glaslyn Demographics ……….. 22 3.2 Geography and Municipal Constraints ……….. 25 4.0 FUTURE LAND USE ……….. 28 4.1 Annexation, Expropriation, and Future Land Use Areas ……….. 30 4.1.1 Annexation Objectives and Policies ………… 31 5.0 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ……….. 33 5.0.1 Residential Objectives and Policies ……….. 36 6.0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ……….. 41 6.0.1 Economic Development Objectives and Policies ……….. 42 6.1 Commercial Core Area ……….. 44 6.1.1 Commercial Core Objectives and Policies ……….. 46 6.2 Highway Commercial Area ………… 47 6.2.1 Highway Commercial Objectives and Policies ………… 49 6.3 Home Based Businesses ……….. 49 6.3.1 Home-Based Business Objectives and Policies ……….. 50 6.4 Industrial Development ……….. 51 6.4.1 Industrial Development Objectives and Policies ……….. 52 6.5 Sand, Gravel and Mineral Resource Exploration and Development ……….. 53 6.5.1 Resource Objectives and Policies ………… 55 6.6 Agriculture and Value-Added Agribusiness ……….. 57 6.6.1 Agriculture Objectives and Policie ……….. 58 7.0 INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION ……….. 60 7.0.1 Inter-municipal Cooperation Objectives and Policies ……….. 61 7.1 Public Safety and Hazard Lands ………… 62 7.1.1 Safety Objectives and Policies ……….. 66 7.2 First Nation and Métis Engagement ……….. 68 7.2.1 First Nation and Métis Engagement Objectives and Policies ……….. 69 8.0 HERITAGE, CULTURE, RECREATION & TOURISM ……….. 70 8.0.1 Heritage, Culture, Recreation & Tourism Objectives and Policies ……….. 72 9.0 BIODIVERSITY, NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS, & SOURCE WATER PROTECTION ……….. 75 9.0.1 Biodiversity, Natural Ecosystems and SWP Objectives and Policies ………… 76 9.1 Dedicated Lands ……….. 78 9.1.1 Dedicated Lands Objectives and Policies ……….. 79 10.0 PUBLIC WORKS ……….. 82 10.0.1 Public Works Objectives and Policies ……….. 85 10.1 Asset Management ……….. 89 10.1.1 Asset Management Objectives and Policies ……….. 90 11.0 TRANSPORTATION ……….. 92 11.0.1 Transportation Objectives and Policies ……….. 95 12.0 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ……….. 98 12.1 Zoning Bylaw ………… 98 12.1.1 Purpose ……….. 98 12.1.2 Content and Objectives ……….. 98 12.1.3 Discretionary Uses ………… 99 12.1.4 Amending the Zoning Bylaw ……….. 100 12.2 Future Land Use Map ……….. 100 12.2.1 Future Residential Development Area ……….. 101 12.2.2 Future Highway Commercial Development Area ……….. 102 12.2.3 Future Industrial Development Area ……….. 103 12.3 Other Implementation Tools ……….. 104 12.3.1 Subdivision Application Review ……….. 104 12.3.2 Dedicated Lands ……….. 104 12.3.3 Building Bylaw ……….. 104 12.3.4 Development Levies and Servicing Fees ……….. 105 12.4 Other ……….. 105 12.4.1 Updating the OCP ……….. 105 12.4.2 Further Studies ……….. 105 12.4.3 Programs ……….. 106 12.4.4 Provincial Land Use Policies and Interests ……….. 106 12.4.5 Binding ……….. 106 12.4.6 Definitions ……….. 106 13.0 REFERENCES ……….. 106 14.0 MAPS ……….. 107

Zoning Bylaw

Village of Glaslyn